How Big is a 20 inch Pizza

For pizza lovers have you ever wondered just how big a 20 inch pizza really is? How would it look compared to the 12-inch or 14-inch pies so prominently seen at local pizzerias? Would it provide enough slices for your entire family, or is it still not quite enough to satisfy those hungry bellies? 

We’ll explore everything there is to know about the size of a 20 inch pizza from its actual dimensions and serving sizes, to what kind of toppings can fit on this behemoth pie. Grab your measuring tape and grab some friends because we’re about dive into the delicious world of large pizzas!

What does 20 Inch Pizza look like?

How Big is a 20 inch Pizza
How Big is a 20 inch Pizza

20 inch pizzas are the largest standard pizza size available in the US. At 20 inches in diameter and almost 4 times bigger than a 12-inch pie, this pizza will provide enough slices for up to 16 people. That’s an impressive feat! It’s basically like having four large pies in one. As you can imagine, these monster pies are usually suitable for large gatherings or events where everyone wants a slice of the action.

20 Inch Pizza Nutrition Facts:

A 20 inch pizza can provide quite a few calories, fat, and sodium depending on the type of toppings used. Generally speaking, one slice is equal to about 8 slices of a 12-inch pie so it’s important to keep this in mind when considering your overall nutrition intake for the day. Additionally, you want to make sure that the toppings are healthy and not loaded with too much processed or unhealthy ingredients.

What are the dimensions of a 20 inch pizza?

A 20 inch pizza is approximately 2 feet in diameter and 4 inches thick. This means that each slice will be roughly 8 inches by 4 inches, which is perfect for sharing with friends or family! Additionally, this size allows for more toppings to fit on the pizza so you can get creative with your favorite pizza combos without fear of running out of space.

How Big Is A 20 Inch Pizza?

A 20 inch pizza is much larger than a 12-inch or 14-inch pizza. It is approximately 4 times bigger than a 12-inch pie, meaning it can feed up to 16 people and provide plenty of leftovers. Additionally, this size allows for more toppings to be added so you can get creative with your favorite pizza combos without fear of running out of space!

What is the circumference of a 20 inch pizza?

The circumference of a 20 inch pizza is approximately 62.8 inches, which is just over 5 feet. This size allows for plenty of room to add your favorite toppings and create interesting flavor combinations. Additionally, this size is perfect for large parties or gatherings since it can easily feed up to 16 people without running out of slices!

In conclusion, the 20 inch pizza is the largest standard pizza available in the US and offers an impressive amount of servings for large groups or events. It’s roughly four times bigger than a 12-inch pie with a circumference of almost 6 feet and provides enough room to get creative with your favorite topping combos without worrying about space issues.

How to measure a 20 inch pizza?

To measure a 20 inch pizza, you’ll need to use a measuring tape and start by measuring from the center of the pizza. From there, measure outwards in both directions until you reach the edge. The measurement should be approximately 20 inches from one side to the other or 40 inches total for the circumference.

How Many Slices In a 20 Inch Pizza?

How Big is a 20 inch Pizza
How Big is a 20 inch Pizza

A 20 inch pizza can provide up to 16 slices depending on how thin you prefer them. This is due to the sizable circumference that it offers – almost 6 feet! As a result, each slice will be roughly 8 inches by 4 inches which is perfect for sharing with friends or family and still having enough leftovers.

Overall, 20 inch pizzas are great for large gatherings or events when everyone wants their fair share of cheesy deliciousness. They’re 4 times bigger than a 12-inch pie with a circumference of almost 6 feet which allows for plenty of toppings to be added without worrying about running out of space. Additionally, this size can provide up to 16 slices which makes it ideal for sharing amongst family and friends

How Many Calories in a 20 inch pizza?

A 20 inch pizza can provide quite a few calories depending on the type of toppings used. Generally speaking, one slice is equal to about 8 slices of a 12-inch pie so it’s important to keep this in mind when considering your overall nutrition intake for the day.

Additionally, you want to make sure that the toppings are healthy and not loaded with too much processed or unhealthy ingredients. In general, one slice of a 20 inch pizza will contain around 250-300 calories.

Finally, the best way to ensure that your 20 inch pizza is as nutritious as possible is to opt for fresh vegetables and lean meats instead of heavy cheese and oily pepperoni. This will help keep the calorie count low while still providing maximum flavor.

How Many People Can Eat A 20 Inch Pizza?

A 20 inch pizza is large enough to easily feed up to 16 people. This means that it’s the perfect size for big events or gatherings when you need plenty of food without breaking the bank. Additionally, this size allows for multiple toppings to be added so everyone can customize their slice according to their own taste preferences.

How many servings of 20 Inch Pizza?

A 20-inch pizza has 16 slices and provides 8 to 10 servings depending on how it is cut. One full 20-inch pizza would easily feed around 8 adults when served as regular slices with some leftovers for later. If you’re cutting the pizza into small slices for a party, then 10-12 people can enjoy one whole pie if there are other snacks around as well.

What Is The Weight of A 20 Inch Pizza?

The weight of a 20 inch pizza depends on the type of ingredients used and how it is prepared. Generally, a standard American-style pizza with cheese and tomato sauce will weigh between 4 to 5 pounds. This can vary depending on the toppings added, as pizzas with more toppings tend to be heavier. Additionally, there may be slight variations in weight depending on the thickness of the crust or if any additional liquid ingredients are added.

What toppings fit on a 20 Inch Pizza?

There is plenty of room to add your favorite pizza toppings when it comes to 20 inch pizzas. All sorts of vegetables, meats, cheeses and sauces can easily fit atop this massive slice of heaven. The nice thing about having so much surface area is that you can get creative with different topping combinations and flavors without any fear of them overflowing off the edges. This makes it perfect for experimenting with new recipes or just satisfying everyone’s cravings at once!

How Much Cheese Goes on a 20 Inch Pizza?

The amount of cheese that should be added to a 20 inch pizza depends on the type of toppings used. Generally, a half cup to three-quarters of a cup is enough for one pie though you may need more if adding multiple types of cheeses or extra toppings. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the cheese is evenly distributed across the entire surface in order to get even cooking and maximum flavor. Ultimately, it’s up to personal preference so feel free to adjust as needed.

Tips for Ordering a 20 Inch Pizza:

How Big is a 20 inch Pizza
How Big is a 20 inch Pizza

1. Make sure to order a pizza stone if you plan on using your oven to cook the pizza. The stone helps keep the temperature even and prevents the crust from burning or becoming soggy.

2. Always ask for extra sauce, especially when ordering a 20 inch pizza since it will need more than usual to cover all that surface area.

3. If you’re adding multiple toppings, try not to overload one side of the pie as this can cause uneven cooking or make some slices too greasy.

4. Consider pre-cooking any meats or vegetables that will be added to the pizza so they don’t release too much moisture while baking in the oven causing soggy crusts.

5. Ask for the pizza to be cut into small slices before delivery or pick-up if you plan on serving it as an appetizer or party food. This makes it easier to eat and also helps keep portion sizes in check.

Overall, a 20 inch pizza is perfect for large groups or events where plenty of food needs to be served without breaking the bank. With so much surface area there’s plenty of room for all your favorite toppings, ensuring that everyone can find something they love! Just make sure to follow these tips when ordering or cooking a 20 inch pizza and you should have no problem making this delicious dish a success.

FAQs: How Big is a 20 inch Pizza

How many does a 20inch pizza feed?

A 20 inch pizza typically provides 8 to 10 servings depending on how it is cut and served. If you’re cutting the pizza into small slices for a party, then 10-12 people can enjoy one whole pie if there are other snacks around as well.

Does a 20 inch pizza require a special oven or pan size?

While some ovens may not fit an entire 20-inch pie, most pans or trays should accommodate them with no problem. Additionally, if using an oven make sure to use a pizza stone which helps keep the temperature even and prevents the crust from burning or becoming soggy.

How much cheese should I use on a 20 inch pizza?

Generally, a half cup to three-quarters of a cup of cheese is enough for one pie though you may need more if adding multiple types of cheeses or extra toppings. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the cheese is evenly distributed across the entire surface in order to get even cooking and maximum flavor. Ultimately, it’s up to personal preference so feel free to adjust as needed.

Can you get a 20 inch pizza?

Yes, 20 inch pizzas are available at many pizza shops and some specialty stores. Additionally, you can order them online or make your own at home using store-bought ingredients or a pre-made crust mix. Whatever the case, it’s sure to be a crowd pleaser!

Is a 20 inch pizza twice as big as a 10-inch?

Not exactly. 20 inch pizzas are 1.5 times the size of 10-inch pizzas, so they cover a wider area but their thickness will be roughly the same. Additionally, it’s important to note that the actual diameter of a 20 inch pizza may vary slightly depending on how it is cut and served. For example, some places may offer slices that are 45% bigger than regular 10 inch sizes whereas others may offer oversized pieces with a diameter of 25%. To get an accurate representation of how big your pizza will be, always ask for specific measurements before ordering or making one at home.

Can you freeze a 20 inch pizza?

Yes, you can freeze 20 inch pizzas after they have been cooked. It’s important to note that you should cool the pizza completely before freezing it, and it should be stored in a sealed container or wrapped tightly with plastic wrap. When ready to enjoy again, allow the pizza to thaw at room temperature then reheat in an oven or microwave until warmed through. Enjoy!

Should I pre-cook meats or vegetables for a 20 inch pizza?

Yes, if you’re adding multiple toppings such as meats and vegetables then it’s best to pre-cook them first. This helps keep moisture levels down and ensures that your crust won’t get soggy while baking in the oven. Additionally, pre-cooking helps to keep portion sizes in check, so if you’re looking for a more balanced pizza opt for pre-cooked toppings instead.

What is the best way to serve a 20 inch pizza?

The best way to serve a 20 inch pizza is by cutting it into wedges or slices and servin them on individual plates or platters. This allows everyone to enjoy their own portion and ensures that the pizza won’t become soggy from sitting too long in one spot. Additionally, you can always offer a few extra toppings like cheese, herbs or sauces for people to customize according to their own tastes.

Should I preheat my oven before baking a 20 inch pizza?

Yes, it is important to preheat your oven before baking a 20-inch pizza to ensure even cooking throughout. Additionally, make sure that the temperature of your oven is set at least 10-15 degrees higher than the recommended cooking temperature for best results. Preheating also helps keep your crust from becoming soggy as it cooks. Enjoy your perfect pizza!

Is it possible to bake a 20 inch pizza in a microwave?

No, it is not recommended that you bake a 20-inch pizza in the microwave as microwaves are unable to reach temperatures high enough to cook the crust properly. Additionally, microwaving will cause many of the toppings such as cheese and vegetables to become soggy due to the steam created by the heat of the oven. For best results, always opt for baking your 20-inch pizza in an oven.


In conclusion, the size of a 20 inch pizza really depends on where you are ordering from. Even if some restaurants feature a 20 inch large cut pizza, it may not be as big as other restaurants. It’s best to research the restaurant or pizzeria before ordering and make sure you are getting your desired size. The bigger the better! You can never go wrong with extra cheese and topping options to fill up that space. 

From cheesy chorizo to mushrooms, let your imagination run wild and create your own masterpiece. Just remember, when it comes to how big is a 20 inch pizza, always call ahead and ask for exact measurements to ensure you get exactly what you paid for. Now that you know how big a 20 inch pizza is likely to be, why not give it a try? 

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