How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out

Whether you forgot to put the chicken back in the fridge after cooking or had it prepared for a picnic but didn’t get around to serving it, you may be wondering how long can cooked chicken sit out safely. When left unrefrigerated, bacteria rapidly takes over and increases your risk of foodborne illness so knowing when and how to properly store cooked chicken is important.

Read on to explore questions such as: how fast bacteria can grow on food; what’s safe temperature ranges for storing cooked poultry; and additional precautions that should be taken at all times with cooked foods regardless of the storage method.

Why Does It Matter How Long Chicken Is Left Out?

How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out
How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out

When food is left out unrefrigerated, the temperature of the food can quickly reach what is called the “danger zone” temperatures between 40 and 140°F. At this range, bacteria on food can rapidly multiply, potentially leading to serious illnesses if consumed. As cooked chicken sits at room temperature for too long, it will start to degrade and become unsafe to consume. It is important to note that even if it isn’t visibly spoiled or rotten, consuming cooked chicken that has been sitting out too long may cause unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps.

Why It’s Dangerous to Keep Chicken At Room Temperature?

Bacteria can quickly multiply on food at room temperature and to prevent this, cooked chicken needs to be refrigerated or frozen soon after cooking. If chicken is left out for more than two hours (or one hour if the temperature is above 90°F), it’s not safe to eat and should be discarded. Additionally, when storing cooked chicken in the fridge or freezer, it’s important to make sure that other foods don’t cross-contaminate with it as bacteria from raw poultry can spread quickly.

Why It’s Dangerous to Keep Chicken At Room Temperature

To prevent bacteria from multiplying on cooked chicken, it is important to store it in the fridge or freezer shortly after cooking. If chicken is left out for more than two hours (or one hour if the temperature is above 90°F), it’s not safe to eat and should be discarded. Additionally, when storing cooked chicken in the fridge or freezer, it’s important to make sure that other foods don’t cross-contaminate with it as bacteria from raw poultry can spread quickly.

How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out?

Cooked chicken should not be left at room temperature for more than 2 hours. After this time, it should be thrown out as the risk of foodborne illness increases significantly. If the room temperature is warmer than 90°F, cooked chicken should not be left out for any longer than 1 hour to prevent bacteria from growing rapidly.

If you need to leave cooked chicken out for a while before serving or consuming it, store it in an insulated cooler with ice packs preferably one separate from other foods and beverages that are ready to eat. The best way to ensure food safety is to keep the interior of the cooler around 40°F or lower using both frozen gel packs and dry ice (if available). This will help your cooked poultry stay fresh until you’re ready to serve it.

How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out
How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out

What if The Cooked Chicken is in a Sealed Container?

Cooked chicken that is stored in a sealed container can safely be left unrefrigerated for up to two hours. However, it should be discarded immediately after this time as bacteria will rapidly multiply on cooked poultry and increase your risk of food poisoning.

How Long Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken?

Cooked chicken can be frozen for up to four months without any significant decrease in quality. This is especially beneficial if you are storing large batches of cooked chicken for later use. However, after this time it should be thrown out as the quality and safety of the poultry will start to decrease significantly.

How Long Can Cooked Chicken Last in the Fridge?

When it is stored properly in a sealed container, cooked chicken can last for up to four days in the refrigerator without any significant decrease in quality. However, after this time it should be discarded as bacteria will rapidly grow on cooked poultry and increase your risk of food poisoning.

How To Tell If Cooked Chicken Goes Bad?

Cooked chicken can remain safe to consume for up to four days if stored properly in the refrigerator. However, if cooked chicken has been left out at room temperature for too long, it may begin to spoil and should be thrown away immediately. Signs that cooked chicken has spoiled include an off smell, slimy texture, discolored or darkened appearance and visible mold growth.

It is important to remember that Cooked Chicken can still contain bacteria even if it looks and smells normal. If you have any doubts about whether a particular batch of cooked chicken is still safe to eat, it’s best to discard it and avoid any potential risks associated with consuming bad poultry.

How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out
How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out

1. Check the smell – The biggest sign that cooked chicken has gone bad is its smell. If it smells off or foul, throw it out right away.

2. Look for changes in color – Cooked chicken should have a light pink hue, not grey or brown. If you notice any discoloration, the chicken is probably unsafe to eat and should be discarded.

3. Touch the meat – When touched raw chicken will typically feel cold and moist, however cooked chicken should feel dry to the touch. If it feels slimy or wet, chances are it’s no longer safe to consume.

4. Check for expiration date – Every food product comes with an expiration date which tells you how long it’s safe to eat. If the cooked chicken has gone past its expiration date, it’s best to discard it.

5. Taste a small portion – Although not recommended, you can also taste a small portion of the cooked chicken if you are unsure about its safety. If it tastes sour or off in any way, discard it.

What happens if I eat Chicken that’s been out a while?

Eating chicken that has been left out for too long can increase your risk of food poisoning and other serious health issues. Bacteria such as salmonella, listeria, campylobacter, and staphylococcus aureus can all be present in spoiled cooked chicken, leading to various illnesses such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and even death if consumed in large enough quantities.

It is therefore important to follow proper food safety guidelines when handling cooked poultry. If you suspect that the cooked chicken has been left out for too long it’s best to discard it immediately.

Does it matter if the Chicken is covered or uncovered?

Yes, it does matter if the chicken is covered or uncovered. Uncovered chicken is more likely to dry out and lose its flavor and texture before you have a chance to serve it. To keep cooked chicken fresh, place it in a sealed container or wrap it tightly with aluminum foil or plastic wrap. This will help maintain moisture and prevent contaminants from entering the food. Covered cooked chicken can remain safe to consume for up to four days when stored properly in the refrigerator. After this time, bacteria may start to grow on the poultry and increase your risk of food poisoning, so make sure you discard any leftovers that have been in the fridge longer than four days.

What happens if I eat Chicken that’s been out a while?

If you eat chicken that has been left out at room temperature for too long, you risk getting food poisoning. Bacteria can rapidly grow on cooked poultry and make it dangerous to consume. Signs of spoilage include an off smell, slimy texture, discolored or darkened appearance and visible mold growth. If any of these signs are present, the chicken should be discarded immediately.

Eating spoiled chicken can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea which can last for several days. Therefore, it is important to practice proper food safety when handling and storing cooked chicken to avoid any potential risks associated with consuming bad poultry.

How to store cooked Chicken?

To store cooked chicken, first allow it to cool completely before transferring it to an airtight container or wrap it tightly with aluminum foil or plastic wrap.

1. Store it in a shallow container – Put cooked chicken into a shallow container, such as a baking dish or bowl. Avoid storing it in deep containers that trap heat and moisture which can cause bacteria to form.

2. Keep it cool – Immediately refrigerate the cooked chicken after cooking to prevent bacterial growth. The refrigerator should be set to 40°F or lower for optimal safety and storage of cooked chicken.

3. Freeze it – Cooked chicken can also be frozen in an airtight container for up to three months. Freezing is a great way to preserve the flavor and texture of cooked chicken while also extending its shelf-life significantly longer than if kept in the refrigerator alone.

4. Reheat – If you are looking to reheat cooked chicken, make sure it is heated until steaming hot. Bacterial growth can start to form once the temperature of cooked chicken drops below 140°F.

5. Eat within three days – Cooked chicken should be eaten within three days of cooking for optimal safety and freshness. After this point, bacteria may start to form on the chicken which makes it unsafe to consume.

These are the general guidelines for telling if cooked chicken has gone bad and storing it correctly. Be sure to use your senses (smell, sight, touch) when assessing the safety of cooked chicken before eating. And always remember to follow expiration dates and store cooked chicken properly in order to ensure food safety and keep your family healthy.

Does barbecue sauce or a marinade help preserve the Chicken?

Barbecue sauce and marinades do not help preserve the chicken. While these ingredients may improve the flavor of cooked chicken, they do not slow down the growth of bacteria or keep it safe to consume for longer periods of time. The best way to make sure your cooked chicken remains fresh is to store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer and eat within four days.

Tips For Storing Cooked Chicken Effective:

1. Store cooked chicken in an airtight container or wrap it tightly with aluminum foil or plastic wrap.

2. Place the sealed container of chicken into the refrigerator right away and make sure your fridge is set to 40°F or below.

3. When kept in the freezer, cooked chicken can remain safe to consume for up to four months at 0°F or below.

4. Discard any leftovers that have been in the refrigerator longer than four days, or in the freezer longer than four months.

5. Pay attention to expiration dates and always use your best judgment when it comes to eating cooked chicken . Taking these precautions will help you avoid any potential risks associated with consuming bad poultry.

Tips To Avoid Buying Rotten Chicken

1. Check for any discoloration, such as browning or bruising on the chicken.

2. Smell the chicken – If it has a bad odor, do not buy it.

3. Make sure the package is sealed properly and there is no leakage from the packaging that could indicate spoilage .

4. Look for signs of freezer burn or ice crystals on frozen poultry which can be an indication of improper storage and decrease its shelf-life significantly .

5. Buy your poultry from reputable stores and always check expiration dates before purchase to ensure freshness and safety when consuming cooked chicken .

How Long Can You Leave Frozen Chicken In The Freezer?

Frozen chicken can remain in the freezer for up to one year. However, it is important to note that even though the chicken may still be edible after a year, its quality and taste will begin to deteriorate over time as exposure to air causes oxidization which affects flavor. It is best to consume frozen chicken within six months of storing it in the freezer for optimal freshness and flavor.

Additionally, make sure you are following proper food safety guidelines when thawing frozen poultry before cooking it. The safest way to do this is by letting it thaw slowly in your refrigerator overnight or quickly using the defrost setting on your microwave. Never leave frozen chicken out at room temperature as bacteria can grow rapidly when warm temperatures are reached.

With these tips in mind, you can make sure your cooked chicken stays fresh and safe to eat. Properly storing and freezing chicken will help maintain its safety, flavor, and texture for longer periods of time. Always be mindful of expiration dates and use your senses when assessing the quality of poultry before consuming it. Taking these precautions will ensure that you and your family stay healthy and enjoy delicious meals made with fresh ingredients.

Is It Okay to Put Cooked Chicken Back in the Fridge?

Yes, it is okay to put cooked chicken back in the fridge. It should be stored in an airtight container or covered with plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator as soon as possible after it has been cooked. This will help keep bacteria from growing on the chicken and prevent potential food borne illnesses. Cooked chicken can remain safe to consume for up to four days when stored properly in the refrigerator.

Any leftovers that have been stored longer than four days should be discarded immediately. Remember, always use your best judgment when assessing the quality of leftover poultry before consuming it. Following these tips will help you store cooked chicken safely and enjoy delicious meals without any risks associated with eating spoiled food.

How To Thaw Chicken

There are two safe ways to thaw chicken. The first is to let it thaw slowly in your refrigerator overnight. This should be done in an airtight container or covered with plastic wrap and placed in the fridge at least 8 hours before you plan on cooking it.

The second option is to quickly thaw frozen chicken using the defrost setting on your microwave. Make sure that the microwave is set to a low power level while thawing, as high temperatures can cause bacteria to grow on the chicken faster than usual.

Both methods of thawing poultry will help keep your food safe and ensure delicious meals each time you cook with fresh ingredients. Always make sure to discard any leftovers that have been stored longer than four days to help prevent potential food borne illnesses.

What Temperature Is Safe For Cooked Chicken?

Cooked chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) in order to ensure that it is safe for consumption. This will help kill any bacteria, such as salmonella, that may still be present on the poultry. Additionally, use a food thermometer to make sure you get an accurate reading before serving cooked chicken.

Cooked chicken can remain at room temperature up to two hours and in the refrigerator for up to four days when stored properly. If left out at room temperature or stored longer than four days, discard the cooked poultry immediately for safety reasons. Taking these precautions will keep your family safe from potential food borne illnesses and help you enjoy delicious meals made with fresh ingredients each time.

How To Reheat Cooked Chicken

Before reheating cooked chicken, make sure that it is still safe to eat. If the chicken has been stored in the fridge for more than four days or left out at room temperature for more than two hours, discard it immediately.

When ready to reheat cooked chicken, there are several options. You can use a microwave oven and heat on high until the internal temperature reaches 165°F (74°C). The oven or stove top are also suitable choices for reheating poultry. Simply add some liquid, such as broth or water, to a pan and bring to a simmer before adding the cooked chicken pieces. Cover with lid and cook until heated through (internal temperature should reach 165°F (74°C)).

Following these tips will help you store, thaw, cook and reheat chicken safely so that you and your family can stay healthy and enjoy delicious meals made with fresh ingredients. Bon appétit!

*This content should not be used as a medical advice. Consult with your doctor or health care provider for any health related concerns.*

FAQs: How Long Can Cooked Chicken Sit Out

How long can cooked chicken be stored in the refrigerator?

Cooked chicken can remain safe to consume for up to four days when stored properly in the refrigerator.

What is the safest way to thaw frozen chicken?

The two safest ways to thaw frozen chicken are to let it thaw slowly in your refrigerator overnight or quickly using the defrost setting on your microwave.

How do I know when my cooked chicken is safe to eat?

Cooked chicken should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) in order to ensure that it is safe for consumption. Use a food thermometer to make sure you get an reading before serving cooked chicken.

Can you eat cooked chicken left out for 12 hours?

No, cooked chicken should not be left out for more than two hours. If it has been stored at room temperature or longer than four days in the refrigerator, discard it immediately.

Will chicken go bad if left out for 4 hours?

Yes, cooked chicken should not be left out for more than two hours. If it has been stored at room temperature or longer than four days in the refrigerator, discard it immediately.

How long before cooked chicken goes bad?

Cooked chicken can remain safe to consume for up to four days when stored properly in the refrigerator. If it has been stored at room temperature or longer than four days in the refrigerator, discard it immediately.

Can you cook bacteria out of chicken?

Yes, cooking chicken to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) will help kill any bacteria, such as salmonella, that may still be present on the poultry. Use a food thermometer to make sure you get an accurate reading before serving cooked chicken.

Should you let chicken cool before putting fridge?

Yes, it is best to let cooked chicken cool at room temperature before transferring to the refrigerator. This will help keep the chicken’s internal temperature from rising too quickly and prevent bacterial growth. Once cooled, store in an airtight container and place in the refrigerator as soon as possible.


It’s important to know how long cooked chicken can safely sit out before needing to be refrigerated or frozen as bacteria can rapidly multiply on food within a short timeframe. Cooked chicken should not be left at room temperature for more than two hours and may need to be discarded sooner depending on the external temperature. When storing cooked poultry in the fridge or freezer, make sure that other foods don’t cross-contaminate with it as bacteria from raw poultry can spread quickly. Additionally, while cooked chicken can be frozen for up to four months, it should be discarded after this time as the quality and safety of the poultry will start to decrease significantly.

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